Unisights Research and Analytics

Panel Building Services

Panel Building Services

Building Online panels and Online Communities require a lot of rigorous and optimized setups so as to make the conversion efficient and have a better ROI.

Our team constitutes qualified professionals and experts in the online activity space allowing us to get you the best of services, always.

At USRA, we have actively managed proprietary assets and well established partnerships with Affiliates, Publishers and Advertisers who provides us with abundance of online quality traffic through which we’re able to close a lot of meaningful leads. We ensure the collection of complete demographic information of the participant by considering the nature, behavior and psychology of the panelist.

Extended Geographies >

Key Profiling Attributes >

Age, gender, region, income, education, occupation, marital status, household size, children presence in household, kids age & gender etc.
Car ownership, Registration Year, Brands, New or Used car etc

Smartphone ownership, smartphone brands, smartphone operating system, social networking, Internet usage frequency etc.

Job titles, industry, department, decision making area, company size etc.

Items owned, decision making and area of decision, house ownership by type of dwelling etc.

Dogs owners, cat owners, type of food purchased etc.

Business travelers, leisure travelers, means of transportation, travelling frequency etc

Usage of bank services, credit or debit cards, brands etc.

IT Decision Makers and Business Decision Makers by area of authority, C-Level employees (CEO, COO, CTO, CFO etc.)

Physicians by specialty, nurses, veterinarians, pharmacists, hospital administration staff etc.

Various types of ailments, drugs taken, etc.